Children can get into quite a bit of trouble in school, and a parent getting a note from the teacher about their child can be worrying. Whether the child talked back at the teacher or fought with other children, there is still hope. Even good children sometimes get into trouble. Parents and teachers need to take action to reduce more behavioral problems. As a teacher, you can effectively solve these problems by using a few simple solutions.
1. Praise them
Teachers need to praise children for good behaviors or academic achievements. When children are rebellious, praising them often motivates them to stop being rebellious. For example, praise the children for appropriate responses to their peers, or for sharing their stationery or books.
However, you should be careful and go easy with the praises to avoid overdoing it. Verbally tell the children you are proud of them. All children respond well to praises, and keeping an encouraging tone helps the children to become better behaved.
2. Reward Them
Children love being recognized for their good work and behavior. Rewarding a child when they behave well or complete an assignment makes the other children do better so they get rewards. Sticker charts are one way to motivate children with behavioral problems and reinforce positive behavior.
A child collects a token or a sticker each time they behave well and get a reward depending on the stickers they have collected. Oval roll labels are excellent stickers that children will love and will motivate them to behave well. Some quarters worry that a reward system is like bribing children to do well, but the difference is that a bribe is given before the act, while rewards are given after the act.
3. Make Classes Fun
Rigid lessons take a toll on both the teacher and the children. The children especially become edgy and tend to act out. Making the lessons light and fun is one way of improving child behavior in class. The children, as well as the teacher, look forward to the lessons, and you will have no problems with behaviors. Throw in some jokes and fun group activities to lighten up the mood.
4. Do Not Judge
When a teacher judges children, their behavioral problems may get worse. If they already have problems at home, a judgmental attitude from someone who is supposed to be their mentor makes their behavior worse. Take a stand as a problem- solver, which helps the child make sense of situations and stop thinking you are the enemy.
5. Listen Without Responding
Hyperactive children have a history of neglect in early childhood development. As a teacher, part of improving their behavior lies in listening to them without a response. When a child knows you are listening, they get excited and you need to keep encouraging them to speak more, and assure them you will always lend them an ear. When children recognize they can trust you, they will relax and give you a clear view of their behaviors, actions, and life. Listening more makes the child want to please you, thus they strive to behave better.
Children are sensitive souls, and when they misbehave in school, it is often a manifestation of things happening at home. Praising them, rewarding them, making classes fun places to be, not judging, and listening without giving an opinion are just some of the solutions teachers can use to try and improve bad behavior in children.